#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include<iomanip> // setprecision(number) cout << fixed << setprecision(6);
#include<ctype.h> // towlower toupper
#define sa(a,n) sort(a,a+n)
#define endl "\n"
#define ll long long
#define tt int
#define str string
#define fs(n) fixed<<setprecision(n)
#define fast ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0);cout.tie(0);
#define leadzero(a) __builtin_clz(a) // count leading zeroes
#define trailzero(a) __builtin_ctz(a) // count trailing zeroes
#define bitcount(a) __builtin_popcount(a) // count set bits
using namespace std;
ll prime[10000005];
void sieve() {
for (ll x = 2; x < 1e7; x++)
prime[x] = 1;
for (ll x = 3; x * x < 1e7; x += 2)
if (prime[x])
for (int j = x * x; j < 1e7; j += x + x)
prime[j] = 0;
bool isPrime(ll n)
if (n <= 1)
return false;
if (n <= 3)
return true;
if (n % 2 == 0 || n % 3 == 0)
return false;
for (ll i = 5; i * i <= n; i = i + 6)
if (n % i == 0 || n % (i + 2) == 0)
return false;
return true;
ll lcm(ll x,ll y)
return x * y / __gcd(x, y);
bool cm (pair< int,string>p1 ,pair< int,string>p2)
return p1.second<p2.second;
return p1.first>p2.first;
// auto it = maxx.end(); it--; k=*it erase(it) ,, set<ll,greater<>>s;
//getline(cin, s1)
//auto it=upper_bound(v.begin(),v.end(),m);
int main() {
ll n,con=1;
for(ll x=2;x<=n;x++)
for(ll i=x;i<=n;i+=x)
for(ll x=2;x<=n;x++)
cout << v[x] << " ";
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